06:09 Nov 16, 2021
'On 20 - 23 February 2020 more than 54,000 visitors attended one of the most awaited modest fashion festivals in Indonesia, Muslim Fashion Festival (MUFFEST) 2020. As we all know, MUFFEST 2020 was surely a moment that would never be forgotten, because this year we had an amazing experience with hundreds of exhibitors including new category such as Halal Market and more, strategic location at Jakarta Convention Center which is in the heart of Jakarta, international guest, participation from great fashion designers, incredible fashion shows, and many more! Last but not least, thank you to all stakeholders who have supported this event so this event can be held successfully. Thank you.  Can\'t wait to meet you all again on the next MUFFEST!  Keep socialize with us at:  https://www.instagram.com/muslimfashionfestival/  -----  About MUFFEST  Muslim Fashion Festival (MUFFEST) is an Indonesian modest fashion festival organized by Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC) and Dyandra Promosindo, that features various Muslim fashion products ranging from conventional to urban styles and highlighting the current and upcoming trends in fashion.  Designers, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders in the fashion industry are encouraged to participate as this event is specially  geared towards grooming these talents in raising their standard to a higher level and ready to compete internationally.  Our vision is also to make Indonesia become the center of Muslim fashion inspiration in the world.' 


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