'Fashion Revolution Wall'

'Fashion Revolution Wall'
02:41 Nov 23, 2021
'Presenter and designer Nelly Rose went down to checkout the Fash Rev wall in the centre of Camden Town. A digital campaign created by entrepreneur Marianne Hughes for Fashion Revolution; the wall consists of an interactive collection of clothing labels and welcomes anyone around the world to contribute. The wall only displays 1133 labels at one time; the same figure of people who lost their lives in the Rana Plaza collapse.   Get involved by taking a photograph of your label and asking #whomademyclothes    www.fashrevwall.com   Directed by: Nelly Rose Filmed and Produced by: Noble Productions  Georgie Turner-Noble  Evangeline Davies Camera Operator: David Powell  Presented by:  Emeline Nsingi Nkosi and Nelly Rose  Thank you to Avery Dennison and Building Bloqs' 

Tags: fashion , fashion revolution , fashion revolution week , rana plaza , knowlabel , noble productions , marianne hughes

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