'Fashion Nova Curve - Plus Size Haul & Try On'

'Fashion Nova Curve - Plus Size Haul & Try On'
15:11 Dec 3, 2021
'You have probably seen or heard of Fashion Nova a lot. It has been a very requested haul video. I wanted to pick out a variety of looks from Fashion Nova and show you a different side of them. They actually have a ton of options to create so many different looks. I hope you enjoy this video and see a different side of fashion nova than you are used to seeing. Give me a thumbs up if you like this haul!  Items mentioned in this video:  Denim Jacket: http://bit.ly/2Hx2Uek (3x) On the Down Low Set: http://bit.ly/2HvvAQK (3x) Super High Waisted Jeans: http://bit.ly/2Kjk9gL (3x) Pink Tie Top: http://bit.ly/2r416hG (3x) Black Dress Pants: http://bit.ly/2I2VZX9 (3x) Maxi Dress: http://bit.ly/2I0g4xj (3x) Camo Pants: http://bit.ly/2r58jho (3x) Ambition on Fleek Shirt: http://bit.ly/2I2vQaY (3x) Green Ruffle Dress: http://bit.ly/2Fk2tOB (3x) Purse: http://bit.ly/2KfOq02  ______________________________________________  My stats: I\'m 5\'3 and my measurements are 49-40-58  ____________________________________________ Coupon Codes to save you dollars (I don’t make any money off these just to save you money):  DebShops “Meganxo” to save 20% on Regularly priced items http://www.debshops.com/  Xehar Curvy “Megan15” for 15% off http://xeharcurvy.com/  Fashion Nova “xoccc” for 15% off https://www.fashionnova.com/  Warp & Weft “CURVESCURLS” for 20% off https://warpweftworld.com/  PopUpPlus “MEGAN” for 15% off https://popupplusonline.com/  Teddy Blake “TBMegan20” for $20 off https://www.teddyblake.com/  Vibe Apparel “CCCVibes” for 25% off https://www.vibeapparelco.com/  _____________________________________________________  Connect With Me!  PO Box 307 Meridianville, AL 35759  Instagram: Curves_CurlsandClothes  Business Inquiries: megan@curvescurlsandclothes.com  http://www.curvescurlsandclothes.com https://www.instagram.com/curves_curlsandclothes/ https://www.facebook.com/curvescurlsandclothes/ https://www.pinterest.com/crvescurlsclths/ https://twitter.com/CCC_Megz http://curvescurlsandclothes.tumblr.com  Thanks for watching!  xoxo,  Megan (Curves, Curls and Clothes) _______________________________________________________  FTC:. This video is sponsored by Fashion Nova. I do sometimes receive free products, but I do purchase most items myself to review and share with you. I sometimes use affiliate links but most of my coupon codes are just to save you money and I do not make any income off of them. No matter what, my opinions are my own and honest product reviews. If you do decide to click on these links, thank you so very much for supporting me and the content I create.' 

Tags: haul , review , body positive , blogger , try on , Plus size , confidence , plus size haul , plus size blogger , plus size style , plus size clothes , plus size outfit ideas , plus size try on , full figured style , full figured , curvy girl fashion , dressing room try on , curvy girl clothes , plus size clothing try on , curvy girl style , atlanta shopping , plus size dressing room try on

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