'Millions of people make our clothes. Too many live in poverty, exploitation or danger. We can change that. Join the #FashionRevolution and demand a fair, safe and more transparent industry. Ask brands #whomademyclothes during Fashion Revolution Week 22nd-28th April 2019 Film produced by Futerra http://wearefuterra.com/ Director: MJ Delaney Bio: https://moxiepictures.com/directors/mj-delaney/project-everyone-day-of-the-girl/ Prodution Company: Moxie Pictures https://moxiepictures.com https://moxiepictures.com/moxie-pictures-named-as-2017-production-company-standout-by-creativity/ Choreographer: Christopher Bordenave Bio: http://www.noonearthouse.org/founders/ Editing: UNION Editorial http://www.unioneditorial.com #WhoMadeMyClothes #TradeFairLiveFair'
Tags: fashion , fashion industry , brands , fashion revolution , who made my clothes , supply chain , garment workers , Transparency , Living Wage , #WhoMadeMyClothes , #Imadeyourclothes
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