'Cardi B WON Paris Fashion Week in Floral FACE MASK -- But Could She See?!'

'Cardi B WON Paris Fashion Week in Floral FACE MASK -- But Could She See?!'
01:31 Dec 13, 2021
'Cardi B took Paris Fashion Week to a new level, rocking an over-the-top look that covered her entire body.  Exclusives from #ETonline : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQwITQ__CeH2Y_7g2xeiNDa0vQsROQQgv' 

Tags: fashion , style , Paris Fashion Week , News , Cardi B , etstyle , et style , cardi b 2019 , cardi b interview , cardi b paris fasion week , cardi b mask , cardi b face mask , casdi b style , paris fashion wekk

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