'FINAL FANTASY® XIV: A Realm Reborn™ https://store.playstation.com/#!/it-it/tid=CUSA00285_00 Head (Silken Things): Songbird Hat, Royal Seneschal\'s Chapeau, Augmented / Shire Philosopher\'s Hat, Weathered / Evenstar Hat, Plage Doctor\'s/Bringer\'s Mask Speculative: Chimerical Felt Hat of Casting, High House/Archaeoskin Cloche Body (Skalla Back): Skallic Coat of Fending/Maiming, Skallic Jacket of Striking/Scouting/Aiming/Casting/Healing Legs (Check and Check): Wind Silk Bottoms, Ruby Cotton Bottoms, Ghost Barque Bottoms of Casting Wrist (Jewels of Black): Black Pearl Bracelet, Hero\'s Bracelet of Fending/Slaying/Aiming/Casting/Healing, Flame Sergeant\'s Bracelet, Warwolf Bracelet of Casting/Healing, Bracelets of Divine War'
Tags: Sony Interactive Entertainment , PlayStation 4 , #PS4share , Final Fantasy XIV , ffxiv fashion report , FFXIV FASHION , FFXIV FASHION REPORT WEEK 118 , FASHION 118 , FASHION REPORT WEEK 118 , final fantasy xiv fashion report week 118
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