'Integrity Toys / Limited Edition Fashion Doll / NU Fantasy Review'

'Integrity Toys / Limited Edition Fashion Doll / NU Fantasy Review'
09:13 Dec 31, 2021
'Integrity Toys / Limited Edition Fashion Doll / NU Fantasy Review - This is my first official Integrity Doll Review - these dolls have been around for many many years and I am just now jumping in. These dolls are for a more serious collector as they are not meant to be played with heavily like a play-line doll. Hope you enjoyed my first review and feel free to check out the link below to see some of the other dolls available!   Check out more dolls here: http://amccollection.com  Official Integrity Toys website : https://www.integritytoys.com  My other channels : GAMER CHAD : https://www.youtube.com/user/GamerChadPlays  Social Media:  FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chad-Alan/197210503680115 TWITTER: https://twitter.com/ChadAlan01 INSTAGRAM: chadalanofficial PERISCOPE: ChadAlan  MUSIC:    Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)  Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/' 

Tags: collector dolls , integrity toys , Fashion Royalty , integrity doll , integrity doll unboxing , integrity doll review , NU fantasy , nu fantasy doll , NU fantasy doll review , NU fantasy limited edition doll , integrity collector doll , integrity review

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