'Hello! Coming at you today with a new topic I\'ve been researching and learning about... Fast Fashion! I\'ve recently discovered the truth behind the fashion industry (which applies to the majority of high street fashion stores). I\'ve used some footage from The True Cost, however this is for educational use, I do not own the footage or claim to. Please watch this documentary if you get the chance. It\'s a real eye opener. Is ethical and sustainable fashion something you\'ve ever thought about? ---- You can also find me here: Blog: www.thekindlife.co.uk Instagram: www.instagram.com/elainasydney'
Tags: fashion , vegan , sustainable fashion , slow fashion , sustainable , sweatshop , ethical fashion , minimalist wardrobe , fast fashion , eco fashion , ethical fashion brands , Human Rights , less is more , sustainable clothing , garment workers , vegan fashion , fair fashion , sustainable fashion haul , cheap fashion , sustainable haul , vegan clothing , vegan clothing haul , vegan sustainable fashion , sweatshop labour , goodbye fast fashion , feminist issue , slave labour , ahimsa
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