'The back of my head is ridiculous, I know. Get Out Of The Materialism Trap NOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qk1i7UGBz1Q The True Cost (available on Netflix): https://truecostmovie.com/about/ READ The official position of the American Dietetic Association: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19562864 WATCH The Best Speech You Will Ever Hear: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es6U00LMmC4 Take the 22 day vegan challenge! https://www.challenge22.com/challenge22/?group=373 Volunteer: https://www.anonymousforthevoiceless.org/ Follow me! https://www.instagram.com/catmklein/ Outro music: Wha Me Eat- Macka B'
Tags: yoga , Health and wellness , thrift shopping , vegan , minimalism , thrift haul , sustainable , zero waste , eco-friendly , the true cost documentary , vegan lifestyle , conscious living , fashion on a budget , how to quit fast fashion , fashion on a budget 2018 , ethical consumerism , materialism , ethical fashion haul , second hand shopping tips , ethical shopping guide , sweatshop labor , catherine klein , vegan outreach , rational vegan
See also: