'Answering the number question I receive; how do I shop ethically, without supporting fast fashion? This video focuses on the solutions available for any budget, whether you have access to thrift stores or not and also tackles the question; is it ever okay to buy fast fashion clothing? If you enjoyed watching this video and want to help me make more please consider becoming a Patron on https://www.patreon.com/kristenleo contributing Patrons: Natalie Rector, Scarlet, Tyler Plaisance other places you can find me: ☞ SHOP MY CLOSET - https://www.depop.com/kristenleo ☞ VLOG CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/KristenEtc ☞ BLOG - http://kristenleotsakou.blogspot.com/ ☞ INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/KristenLeo/ __ clips used: How fast fashion adds to the world\'s clothing waste problem (Marketplace) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elU32XNj8PM&t=50s useful links: How to be a fashion revolutionary https://www.fashionrevolution.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/HowToBeAFashionRevolutionary.pdf My ethical brand list https://kristenleotsakou.blogspot.com/p/ethical-brands.html How to get involved https://www.fashionrevolution.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/FR_GetInvolved.pdf __ *This is not a sponsored video'
Tags: sustainable fashion , ethical fashion , fast fashion , eco fashion , fashion youtuber , fair fashion , KRISTEN LEO , vegan youtuber , eco youtuber , how to quit fast fashion , how to dress sustainably , ethical fashion youtuber , 5 steps to shop ethically , how to dress ethically
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