'Last year I decided to stop buying fast fashion clothing as much as possible and make more sustainable swaps. In this video I talk about my previous habits and relationship with fast fashion, why I decided to make a change, and how I quit fast fashion with tips on how you can reduce your own spending. Scroll for resources ⬇ Quitting fast fashion is often not an option for the average person - you need to have money, space, and enough clothes already. This video is not about doing things \"perfectly\". Small changes here and there are enough to make a significant difference, and I hope you find the tips I share helpful! Subscribe to my channel if you\'d like to see more: https://www.youtube.com/notwastingtoday?sub_confirmation=1 Timings: 0:00 intro 0:37 a disclaimer 1:08 my old shopping habits 2:46 why I decided to stop shopping fast fashion 3:54 how I quit fast fashion + tips 8:58 some thoughts 10:15 outro RESOURCES: Sign the Pay Up petition: https://payupfashion.com/ More info on #payup : https://cleanclothes.org/campaigns/payup Good on You ranking info: https://goodonyou.eco/how-we-rate/ Good on You brand directory: https://directory.goodonyou.eco/?_ga=2.264871052.285146924.1611393176-1893896253.1607959563 Guardian article: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/oct/08/worlds-garment-workers-face-ruin-as-fashion-brands-refuse-to-pay-16bn Forbes article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/brookerobertsislam/2020/03/30/the-true-cost-of-brands-not-paying-for-orders-during-the-covid-19-crisis/ Forbes list of largest companies - this is where I got the profit for Inditex: https://www.forbes.com/global2000/#390ffaf1335d Chrome extension to convert prices into how many hours you need to work to pay for the item: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/time-well-spent-%E2%80%94-see-pri/fagkeimkebmhbeelogmpfpcfdiamhpoa?hl=en Issues in the world card: https://issuesintheworld.carrd.co/ Social: Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/notwastingtoday/ Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/notwastingtoday Depop - https://www.depop.com/notwastingtoday/ Tumblr - https://notwastingtoday.tumblr.com/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/notwastingtoday Filmed: Nikon D5300 Edited: Vegas Pro 14'
Tags: sustainable fashion , slow fashion , ethical fashion , ethical clothing , sustainable clothing , quitting fast fashion , fast fashion industry , how to be more sustainable , how to quit fast fashion , zero waste fashion , stop buying fast fashion , sustainable clothes , how to stop buying fast fashion , why we should quit fast fashion , how i quit fast fashion , sustainable fashion how to , sustainable ethical clothing , how to stop buying clothes , tips for a more sustainable wardrobe
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