'I\'ve created a #haulternative video for FASHION REVOLUTION WEEK (24th - 30th April 2017) I hope this video will inspire you to look at other ways to buy and experience clothes. http://fashionrevolution.org/ Find out how to create your own #haulternative video here http://fashionrevolution.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/FashRev_Haulternatives_2017_.pdf THANKS FOR SHARING MY PASSION FOR FASHION http://www.prelovedchica.com At #Preloved Chica I love combining preloved clothes to create unique new wardrobes Each week I’ll feature clothes found in charity shops (thrift stores), car boots (swap meets), and clothes bought online or clothes upcycled and upstyled. Vintage wear, preloved designer, or best second-hand buys, I want to hear from you. BE PART OF THE SHOW: LIKE | SHARE | COMMENT ==================== Don’t miss another video, click here to SUBSCRIBE to my channel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=elenemarsden ==================== Elene Marsden aka Preloved Chica elene@prelovedchica.com http://www.prelovedchica.com Get our Free Guide – “How to Create a Successful YouTube Channel” http://bit.ly/1U7J9UQ ==================== Preloved Chica is sponsored by \"HANGOUTS4BUSINESS: helping you broadcast your message authentically” http://www.hangouts4business.com ==================== More ways to connect: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/prelovedchica Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prelovedchica/ Great clothing advice visit http://loveyourclothes.org.uk/ Check our #PrelovedChica Playlist http://bit.ly/PrelovedPlaylist ==================== Want to be added to my list? http://hangouts4business.com/prelovedchica ==================== Join our Preloved Google Clothing Community http://bit.ly/1QdGZTZ ==================== -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: \"Check Inside Brand New Zest Charity Shop in Ipswich\" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34alrIjxWvo -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-'
Tags: fashion , clothing , fashion industry , haul , fashion vlogger , vintage clothes , thrift haul , industry , thrift , charity shops , fashion revolution , second hand , ethical fashion , charity shopping , haulternative , fashion revolution day , #haulternative , Great buying and selling advice , Previously loved , Preloved clothes , Upstyling , Hangouts for business , preloved chica , aka Preloved Chica , best second-hand buys , PrelovedChica , Elene Marsden
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