'Community Psn: FFXIV Server Ragnarok Ita https://www.facebook.com/alexandra.bleckson https://na.finalfantasyxiv.com/lodestone/character/4417987/blog/ Body (Autumn Chill): Alpine Coat Hands (Rocking Ribbons): Scholar\'s Gloves Legs (Found Allagan): Augmented / Lost Allagan Trousers of Fending, Augmented / Lost Allagan Pantaloons of Maiming, Augmented / Lost Allagan Breeches of Striking, Augmented / Lost Allagan Pantaloons of Scouting, Augmented / Lost Allagan Breeches of Aiming, Augmented / Lost Allagan Pantaloons of Casting, Augmented / Lost Allagan Pantaloons of Healing Earring (The Son): Prototype / Midan Earrings of Fending/Slaying/Aiming/Casting/Healing'
Tags: Sony Interactive Entertainment , PlayStation 4 , #PS4Live , Final Fantasy XIV , fashion report , ffxiv fashion report , FFXIV FASHION REPORT WEEK 110
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