'Firstly thank you for clicking on the video.Here we have Rhino Prime in his Deluxe skin hope you enjoy.Join our community all links below: * Discord - https://discord.gg/0wQwV4dDJsiuoAes * Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/anubify * Twitter - https://twitter.com/twitchanubify NoCopyrightSounds, We Upload. You Listen. Free Download: http://bit.ly/lensko-lets-go • NCS Spotify: http://bit.ly/SpotifyNCS Lensko is back with his wonderful native style of Nordic House. Expect more from him in 2015! NCS: Uplifting - http://nocopyrightsounds.co.uk/ncs-up... NCS ➞ Spotify http://bit.ly/SpotifyNCS ➞ SoundCloud http://soundcloud.com/nocopyrightsounds ➞ Facebook http://facebook.com/NoCopyrightSounds ➞ Twitter http://twitter.com/NCSounds ➞ Google+ http://google.com/+nocopyrightsounds ➞ Instagram http://instagram.com/nocopyrightsounds_ Lensko ➞ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Lenskoofficial ➞ SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/lensko ➞ Twitter https://twitter.com/LenskoNorway NCS Playlists: http://bit.ly/NCSdrumstep http://bit.ly/MelodicDubstepNCS http://bit.ly/NCShouse http://bit.ly/NCSdubstep http://bit.ly/NCSdrumandbass http://bit.ly/NCStrap http://bit.ly/NCShardstyle NoCopyrightSounds is a music collective dedicated to releasing FREE music for the sole purpose of providing creators with the finest sounds to enhance the creativity and popularity of content what is safe from any copyright infringement. • NCS Releases can be used by any YouTube or Twitch user in their monetized content. If you use our music you MUST in the description of your video: 1. Include the full title of the track. (Stating the music was provided by NCS) 2. Include a link to the track on NoCopyrightSounds YouTube. 3. Credit the artist(s) of the track by including their social network links. Background Image \'Majestic Milky Way\' provided by DollarPhotoClub: https://www.dollarphotoclub.com/stock... Visualizer Provided by RustedMedia: http://youtube.com/rustedmedia'
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