Feb 19, 2022
'Textile designer and teacher, Justine Aldersey-Williams from The Wild Dyery has taken up the Fashion Revolution #haulternative challenge by re-wilding her local community. In collaboration with Wirral\'s tree wardens, farmers, cafe owners, environmental organisations and allotment holders, Justine upcycled old T shirts using their own plant or food waste. This colourful group then gathered at Brimstage Orchard on Earth Day, the day before the start of Fashion Revolution Week to model their plant infused clothing. Later during the week, Justine invited others to #buylessdyemore at a \'Bring + Dye\' workshop at Make Liverpool where participants dyed old tops using locally foraged plant dyes. Justine is encouraging everyone to up-cycle some of their clothing rather than buying more fast fashion. Natural dyeing is a great way to dip new colour into old garments and the enjoyable process has the bonus of getting people outside to enjoy the environment and learn about plants. To learn more about natural fabric dyeing you can join The Wild Dyery\'s comprehensive online training, take a live workshop or immerse yourself and your clothing at a relaxing weekend retreat. Full details at http://NaturalFabricDyeing.com To join the Fashion Revolution visit http://www.FashionRevolution.org This work has only been possible with the kind support of many local businesses, environmental organisations, friends and family. Dye materials were donated by:- * Andrew Pimbley from Claremont Farm http://www.claremontfarm.co.uk * Holly Turner from The Calm Yard https://www.facebook.com/TheCalmYard * Dave Ellwand from Wirral Tree Wardens http://pdellwand.wixsite.com/wirraltrees * Carol Seerey and Lena Chard from Wirral Environmental Network and the Health and Horticulture allotment http://www.wirralenvironmentalnetwork.org.uk * The Nook Cafe https://m.facebook.com/The-Nook-Cafe-106059346661575/'
Tags: fashion revolution , textiles , Natural dye , haulternative , re-wild
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