'Stop shaming poor people for fast fashion | Let’s talk sustainable fashion in South Africa'

'Stop shaming poor people for fast fashion | Let’s talk sustainable fashion in South Africa'
32:22 Feb 20, 2022
'The way we talk about sustainable fashion seems to focus on making poor and working-class people feel bad about having to buy fast fashion instead of being an inclusive and diverse movement. Today I want to speak about some of the problematic things happening around our sustainable fashion discourse in South Africa and some of the small ways we can all still do something towards the greater good.  Please note that I am in no way an authority or trying to be a judge of other people\'s efforts, I just think it\'s important we re-examine how we\'re looking at certain things, especially in the South African context. While also remembering that the ultimate responsibility of fighting climate change lies with the corporations who are killing our planet.  I\'m happy to discuss things further, hear your thoughts on how you practice sustainability and what you would like to see in the world.  Thanks for watching and I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below or you can reach out to me on the rest of the internet Blog: http://www.baddiek.com Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/glitterdaiquiri Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/okbaddiek TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/okbaddiek Email: [email protected]  If you would like to support me o that I may better get through pay walls during research, purchase recording and editing software and materials please consider making any donation to me via my PayPal: https://paypal.me/KhensaniMohlatlole?locale.x=en_US  Sources: Effect of fashion on the environment 1 (https://fashiontakesaction.com/facts/) 2 (https://www.businessinsider.com/fast-fashion-environmental-impact-pollution-emissions-waste-water-2019-10?IR=T#some-apparel-companies-are-starting-to-buck-these-trends-by-joining-initiatives-to-cut-back-on-textile-pollution-and-grow-cotton-more-sustainably-in-march-2019-the-un-launched-the-alliance-for-sustainable-fashion-which-will-coordinate-efforts-across-agencies-to-make-the-industry-less-harmful-22) 3 (https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/RCM_Website/RFSD_2018_Side_event_sustainable_fashion.pdf)  The lack of qualitative data in fashion’s environmental impact (https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2020/1/27/21080107/fashion-environment-facts-statistics-impact)  The SA textile and clothing industry  1 Today (https://www.businesspartners.co.za/en-za/entrepreneurs-growth-centre/useful-articles/manufacturing/the-south-african-textile-and-clothing-industry-%E2%80%93-an-overview#:~:text=In%202013%2C%20the%20Clothing%2C%20Textiles,8%25%20to%20the%20country\'s%20GDP)  2 SACTWU and the CTCP (https://www.fibre2fashion.com/industry-article/7527/revamping-south-africas-apparel-industry-with-ethical-fashion) 3 The future & innovation (https://www.investcapetown.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Textiles_GreenCape_Resilience-Report_Interactive_20190801.pdf) Retail in South Africa (https://www.pwc.co.za/en/assets/pdf/retail-in-africa.pdf) 4 Second-hand clothing imports in Africa (https://twyg.co.za/unpacking-secondhand-clothes-in-africa/) 5 Chinese imports in SA (https://www.southafricanmi.com/sa-clothing-imports-april2019-6jun2019.html)  Local fast fashion 1 Woolworths and The Clothing Bank (https://www.woolworths.co.za/content/article/join-us-on-our-journey/good-business-journey/donate-your-pre-loved-clothing/_/A-cmp203813) 2 MRP Sustainability (https://www.mrp.com/en_za/features/about-us) 3 Game and MRP (https://www.fashionatingworld.com/new1-2/south-african-apparel-retailers-opt-for-local-sourcing-move-away-from-china) 4 Edcon (https://mg.co.za/article/2019-02-01-00-edcon-experts-split-on-pic-lifeline/)' 

Tags: sustainable fashion

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