!['Customizing My Favorite Fast Fashion Skirt [CC]'](https://cdn-img01.gfashion2.com/images/54-m/646/646796.jpg)
'Cleanser projects are great! In this one, I spent a day upgrading this skirt I have, which is very Fast FashionTM unfortunately. I removed and reattached the waistband to fit me better and added pockets! Bertha Banner Pocket Pattern (1898): https://archive.org/details/householdsewing00banngoog/page/n170/mode/2up Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anlana.crea/?hl=da Music by Esther Abrami (Youtube Audio Library)'
Tags: fashion , diy , sewing , hobby , crafting , custom , skirt , diy fashion , diy clothing , fast fashion , custom clothing , how to make a skirt , historical sewing , home sewing , skirt sewing , how to add pockets , historical pockets , Victorian pockets , 1898 , add pockets to skirt , how to add pockets to skirt , homemade clothing , homemade pockets
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