'Queer Eye\'s style expert Tan France breaks down American vs. British fashion vocabulary. From sweaters and jumpers to fanny packs and bum bags, find out what these wardrobe essentials are called on both sides of the Atlantic. What terms do Americans use that can be confusing or downright offensive to Brits? Which British fashion descriptions sound like absolute nonsense to Americans? Styles from the Express Edit By Tan France collection are now available to shop online at: https://www.express.com/womens-clothing/whats-hot/tan-france-edit/cat4800017 Still haven’t subscribed to Glamour on YouTube? ►► http://bit.ly/2gYlQqe Tan France Breaks Down American vs. British Fashion Terms | Glamour'
Tags: GLAMOUR , US vs UK , american vs british , Glamour Magazine , Tan France , tan france interview , america vs england , america vs britain , tan france 2020 , queer eye cast , tan france glamour , american fashion terms vs british , tan france fashion , british clothing terms , american vs british terms , british vs american vocabulary , sweater vs jumper , fanny pack vs bum bag , trench coat vs mac , rainboots vs wellies , overalls vs dungarees , pants vs trrousers , american words vs british
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