'Sexy Girl falls down in very high platform shoes during a fashion show'

00:38 Mar 27, 2022
'During a fashion show organized by the Francis Howell High School (FHHS), Missouri, on 30 October 2015, a young female model wearing a tight leather outfit and dyed blue hair couldn\'t keep her balance on the very high platform shoes she was wearing and fell down. Slow motion from 0:12.' 

Tags: sexy , fashion show , funny , shoes , model , fun , high school , 2015 , missouri , pretty , ridiculous , high heels , model falls , stumbles , tumble , stilettos , Platform Shoes , sexy girl , Tight dress , Pretty Girl , slips , young girl , leather dress , slipped , FAIL heels , pep rally , slippery floor , Fhhs , Francis Howell , Girl falls heels , Girl falls high heels , Girl falls platform shoes , falls platform shoes , fail high heels , trips heels , ridiculous shoes , falls fashion show , sexy girl falls

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