'Roblox Fashion Frenzy: Audrey does her first face reveal in this Roblox video. She plays Fashion Frenzy and the theme is colorful!! Watch this video and see the rainbow of colors that everyone gets dressed up in!!! ====================== Subscribe Click here: ====================== http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNQnALuo370LlsrX7-XLGtg?sub_confirmation=1 ---------------------------------- Shopkins Season 7 Shoppies Videos: ---------------------------------- Lucy Smoothie Shoppie Goes to the Hospital Part #1 ---- https://youtu.be/vA3ZCjBQEcA Lucy Smoothie Shoppie Goes to the Hospital Part #2 ---- https://youtu.be/lormBDJR4Lw Cocolette Babysits and Evil Troll Kidnaps Little Kate -- https://youtu.be/RCM4lGxC9_w ---------------------------------- Craft Videos ---------------------------------- Cookie Swirl C Squishy DIY ----------- https://youtu.be/D56jXCbab8w ---------------------------------- Episode Shopkin Videos: ---------------------------------- Kris-P Lettuce Calls CookieSwirlC ---- https://youtu.be/u5hM-Dtc6os Poppette Shoppie Birthday Party --- https://youtu.be/_WbMg9Fjgbs CookieSwirlC Squishy Stolen --------- https://youtu.be/5fl_2uTiC8Q ---------------------------------- Audrey Does Roblox Videos: ---------------------------------- First time playing Meep City --------- https://youtu.be/JOp53mP9sts Roblox Candy Land ------------------- https://youtu.be/loRts4Bgqnk This video was inspired by \"cookie swirl c\", her YouTube videos are the best childrens videos ever! \"Shopkin videos\" are so much fun to watch and to make, so please check out my channel and subscribe if you enjoy!'
Tags: fashion , roblox , funny , reveal , for kids , myth , game , safe , And , Play , friendly , face , cookie swirl c , online , let's play , extreme , hide , kid , Lets , Audrey , Games For Kids , Denis , lets play , fake , no swearing , plays , fashion frenzy , frenzy , seek , ROBUX , let's play roblox , lets play roblox , roblox fashion frenzy , cookie swirl c roblox , shopnow
See also: