'Nobel Prize winner Sir Roger Penrose was interviewed in 2013 in Oxford by Ihor Ciszkewycz about his upcoming new book \'\'Fashion, Faith, and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe\'\' and other matters. The documentary came about after Sir Roger Penrose’s visit to Kyiv October 30, 2012. Sir Roger Penrose was invited to Ukraine by Pavel Mazurok. A lecture was organized at Ihor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnical Institute where Sir Roger Penrose received an Honorary Doctorate. Rector Mykhailo Zgurovsky presented Penrose with a diploma, mantle and commemorative badge of the Honorary Doctor of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute at a meeting of the Academic Council. That day, after the ceremony, Sir Roger gave a lecture on \"Seeing Signals From Before the Big Bang?\" devoted to the problems of cosmology and astrophysics. The following year in mid-summer a documentary crew flew to Oxford with the support of the British Arts Council and Pavel Mazurok where an interview was conducted with Sir Roger Penrose. #SirRogerPenrose'
Tags: fashion , Faith , oxford , Bigbang , blackhole , String Theory , sirrogerpenrose , nobelprize , quantammechanics , escherpaintings , boarshead , stephenhawkingsirrogerpenrose , and Fantasy in the New Physics of the Universe , ihorsikorskypolytechnicalinstitute , penrosestairs
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