'We strip down to try the second Megan Thee Stallion x Fashion Nova Collection! Meg did not disappoint! Then, watch as we play a game where we grab items based only on their reviews! ►► https://youtu.be/Dl0LEoawBiY Subscribe here for more Clevver Style! ►► http://bit.ly/SubClevverStyle What We Wore! ROUND 1: BIKINIS Drew: Going Viral 3 Piece Sunsuit Set - https://fave.co/3dr2rIo Sinead: Sunset Sippin’ 2 Piece Bikini - https://fave.co/3jvblZh Madeleine: Surf All Day Long Sleeve 2 Piece Bikini - https://fave.co/35WIIfI ROUND 2: ONE PIECES Drew: Midnight Beaches Strappy One Piece Swimsuit - https://fave.co/3jvbETV Sinead: Tennis and Tans Cut Out One Piece Swimsuit - https://fave.co/2TiPLMX Madeleine: Nova Hottie Strappy Bikini - https://fave.co/3w2Iazh ROUND 3: DRESSES Drew: She’s Sneaky Mini Dress - https://fave.co/3y91ufE Sinead: I’ll Be Yours Halter Midi Dress - https://fave.co/2SzaVWH Madeleine: Risky Babe Midi Dress - https://fave.co/3dqrrQc ROUND 4: MULTI-PIECE Drew: Wild West Fringe Denim Shorts - https://fave.co/3AaVAMW No Bother Tying it Up Top - https://fave.co/3dnyx7N Sinead: Give Me Body Cut Out Pants - https://fave.co/3x1gFrg All About It Strappy Snake Bodysuit - https://fave.co/3dp0VGK Madeleine: Tie Dye Summer 4 Piece Sunsuit Set - https://fave.co/3hdwowK ROUND 5: WILD CARD Drew: Somewhere in Paradise Rhinestone 2 Piece Bikini - https://fave.co/3w67LY4 Sinead: Dazed in Denim 2 Piece Sunsuit - https://fave.co/2USpR35 Madeleine: Chasing Summer Latex 2 Piece Sunsuit - https://fave.co/3x51vkZ Follow Us on Instagram!! @clevver @Drew__Dorsey @MadeleineByrnee @Sineaddevries Like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/Clevver Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ClevverTV Keep up with us on Instagram: http://instagr.am/Clevver Follow Us On Tik Tok! http://tiktok.com/@clevver Check out some of our other Clevver Style series! Retail Ratings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ta_Z--2HHrE&list=PLdq0S7aHzzphw1M-Hs9NW89xGpo1WmHgk 5 Women Try https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7ocUBcncd0&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpjeSo3V8lxkIxagnok43nEu Cheap vs Steep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzrzDlGrlsc&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpiVfaa1iGVe2Q0iE5Pddgtf Style 3 Way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnGKBeVOC-Q&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpj7TvVjKmeNKdNP7KydgKoz TikTok Made Us Buy It https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85uj1UKFxS4&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpiOHuAiuCCDJzzCH8pD1wqv Fashion Favorites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kEo_TsaWyA&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpjcBtOSBHF5HRENzIEqMwaZOur Crazy Fashion Nova https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idPKwRJ1jig&list=PLdq0S7aHzzpjR84wEegH_mXgJ2WfEw-Sp Social Distance Diaries! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6XW-WyPYGk&list=PLdq0S7aHzzph08xfL6QDK-3qHMEWnWKqf The Photo Shop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SnpkSCnin0&list=PLdq0S7aHzzph3WBis_ftkjj3qlXVSRYab We dive into the #megantheestallion and #fashionnova #summer #collab! FTC Disclaimer: Clevver Style participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on products purchased through our links to retailer sites.'
Tags: summer , top , first impressions , set , dress , CRAZY , clevver , Bikini , bottom , shorts , fashion nova , try on , swimsuit , Neon , fashionnova , rhinestone , Megan Thee Stallion , one piece , jean , clever , Drew , Megan , latex , sinead , FN , summer haul , fringe , clevver style , swim suit , madeleine , Drew Dorsey , cowgirl , MTS , bathing suit , sinead de vries , meg the stallion , clever style , madeleine byrne , sun suit
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