!['80s Inspired Fashion [Part 1]'](https://cdn-img01.gfashion2.com/images/54-m/851/851049.jpg)
'Learn how to create 80s inspired fashion looks with Erin Lucas, host of The Warner Sound and daughter of legendary 80s rock bassist Cliff Williams of AC/DC, and Nikki Lund, fashion designer and co-founder of the White Trash Beautiful clothing line with rock guitarist Richie Sambora of Bon Jovi, in this fashion tutorial for Yeah! That Look on FAWN. 80s Inspired Fashion Part 2: http://youtu.be/cNB48nUHqSs 80s Inspired Rock Make-up: http://youtu.be/4S47lsV9uhQ 80s Inspired Rocker Hair: http://youtu.be/YAIjVeG4_S8 Yeah! That Look is FAWN\'s celebrity makeover show that features interviews and celebrity transformations with celebrities and makeup artists/stylists to the stars. Watch episodes of Yeah! That Look here: http://bit.ly/YeahThatLook Subscribe to FAWN: http://goo.gl/DptTm FAWN on the Web: http://fawn.tv http://youtube.com/FAWN http://facebook.com/fawnofficial http://twitter.com/FAWNinc http://pinterest.com/FAWNinc http://instagram.com/FAWNinc http://google.com/+FAWN For All Women Network (FAWN) is a lifestyle network for women created by Michelle Phan. New videos and tutorials are added weekly.'
Tags: fashion , how to , Women , beauty , tutorial , diy , style , clothing , 80s , vintage , Celebrity , look , 1980s , inspiration , Music , michelle phan , Erin , make-up , eighties , 80s fashion , band , stylist , Inspired , icon , that , rocker , rock music , rock , lucas , nikki , AC/DC , bon jovi , yeah , lund , rock of ages , fawn , iconnetwork , icon network , For All Women Network , ACDC , Richie Sambora , The Warner Sound , Nikki Lund , Yeah That Look , Yeah! That Look , 80s looks , Rock Looks , White Trash Beautiful , Cliff Williams , Erin Lucas
See also: