'THE BEST of BOND by The Ultimate Fashion History'

'THE BEST of BOND by The Ultimate Fashion History'
31:39 Jun 26, 2022
'In this episode, fashion and cultural historian Amanda Hallay takes a lighthearted look at 60 years of James Bond movies. From fashion to henchmen,  Amanda gets her Bond Girl dream (kind of), with trivia questions and 007 entertaining ideas along the way. Below are the links discussed in the episode: TO CONTACT AMANDA DIRECTLY: www.amandahallay.com TO JOIN THE ULTIMATE FASHION HISTORY FACEBOOK GROUP https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheUltimateFashionHistory/ OLEBAR BROWN 007 HERITAGE COLLECTION https://www.orlebarbrown.com/james-bond/007-collection/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwtMCKBhDAARIsAG-2Eu-1shZxukOL27MOVvg0F8zj_-_01IlBlylVb94X4cOnr1ZtH-v-mbAaAgVuEALw_wcB TURNBULL AND ASSER\'S DR. NO SHIRT https://turnbullandasser.com/products/dr-no-blue-cotton-shirt-with-cocktail-cuff-as-seen-on-james-bond IAN FLEMING\'S SCRAMBLED EGG RECIPE https://jamesbond.fandom.com/wiki/Scrambled_Eggs_%27James_Bond%27 MY JAMES BOND SPOTIFY PLAYLIST https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5TfwispXSO2HdI9hIU8VXG?si=7b0a2e2a34c34c39 MY URSULA ANDRESS EPISODE https://youtu.be/8PnQtnPxEKE' 

Tags: fashion history , die another day , Die Another Day review , amanda hallay , UFH , Best bond movies , bond girl fashion , james bond documentary , james bond fashion , james bond suits , new bond film , new bond movie , daniel craig news

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