'2nd Official Little Tokyo Harajuku Fashion Walk in LA'

04:06 Jul 24, 2022
'On Saturday, April 12th, 2014 Fairytale Boutique held the Second Official Little Tokyo Harajuku Fashion Walk in Los Angeles!   Harajuku fashion walks are popular in Japan, so why not bring them to Los Angeles in Little Tokyo!? Everyone was able to show off their personal Japanese fashion style and take a walk around Little Tokyo displaying it. We had a ton of fun, and we\'ll see you all at our next one!  **Don\'t forget to like, comment, and subscribe!** Our website: https://www.fairytale-boutique.com/ Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fairytalefashionboutique  All video is © 2014 Fairytale Boutique, and is not to be used or distributed without permission.     Music: Go Cart by Kevin MacLeod.' 

Tags: fashion , tokyo , japan , lolita , fairytale , lolita fashion , Japan (Country) , Tokyo (City/Town/Village) , fashion walk , Harajuku (Neighborhood) , j-fashion , Fairytale boutique , Little Tokyo (Neighborhood) , Little Tokyo/Arts District (Location)

See also:
