'Battle of Divas 1. Pick you fave Diva who rock the wigs. In order of appearance: Borderhammer Muffinismylovers MsJazzy2Classy 2. The winner will be provided with Model Model wigs to donate the wigs to their local charity under their channel name. 3. Pick your fave style of lace front wig. 4. Subscribe to enter. 5. 20 participants will be picked to win $25 AMEX gift certificate. 6. Battle ends on Nov 14, 2010. Muffinismylovers, Borderhammer & MsJazzy2Classy have joined the BATTLE OF DIVAS. Each diva was given one short style wig - Jamika and one Natural Lace Front wig of their choice from 2010 F/W collection. GIFT CARD Once gift card winners are announced, winners will need to provide Model Model their zip code to locate their local Model Model authorized retailer to pick up their Gift Certificate. Those who reside where there is no Model Model authorized retailer is available, gift certificate will be mailed to them. No P.O. Box address is accepted. Rule are subject to change without notice by Model Model Hair Fashion.'
Tags: how to , style , trend , collection , free , top , model , final , review , 2010 , Battle , chic , Ford , indian , diva , hair , unique , Super , weave , donation , ANTM , vote , inspire , CHARITY , wigs , AMEX , contest , glory , carmen , tropical , Gift Card , fuzzy , naval , lace front wigs , riviera , sew in , muffinismylovers , f/w , indian hair , borderhammer , glance , Dreamweaver , Divalicious , MODELMODEL , MsJazzy2Classy , outre , milkyway , hairsisters.com , supermingo , jamika , pice
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