'Fabulous: Angela’s Fashion Fever - Level 14 “Your Roots (Are Showing)\" (Full Walkthrough)'

03:47 Aug 2, 2022
'Now that Angela is chosen to enter the contest, she needs to make tons of dresses to showcase.  Sally reminds her not to forget her roots even if she doesn\'t win...  ♡ Challenge: We\'re leaving for Tokyo soon... Best starts prepping dresses before Angela leaves.  Today you have to saw the dress for four times.  Click on \"!\" mark over the sewing machine to start working.  Each dress will give you +25, and +100 bonus on completion.  ♡ Mouse Location (02:22): Under the red escalator sign' 

Tags: tips , walkthrough , New York , playthrough , Hints , fabulous , faqs , let’s play , Chapter 1 , Sally’s , gamehouse , Angela’s Fashion Fever , Kittenchippy , Mouse location , Big Fish Games , Level 14

See also:
