'How NOT to Dress for the Met Gala 2019... Lady Gaga, Harry Styles, Nicki Minaj and me, all showing you how it\'s done... ► SUBSCRIBE TO SEE MORE! #MetGala #MetGala2019 #Fashion My Second Channel ► https://goo.gl/fvgpA8 ● TWITTER - https://twitter.com/GameFaceHD (@GameFaceHD) ● INSTAGRAM - https://instagram.com/gamefacehd/ ● FACEBOOK - https://facebook.com/GameFaceHD -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For business enquiries, please find my email on the \'About\' tab of my channel page, thank you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- GameFaceHD is a YouTube channel based off commentary on events, interests and news online or in the real world, done in (hopefully) a comedic way.'
Tags: fashion , comedy , vogue , harry styles , james charles , red carpet , satire , family friendly , lady gaga , met gala , THE MET , Catt Sadler , met gala 2019 , Met Gala 2018 , met gala red carpet 2019 , 2019 met gala , gameface , met gala lady gaga , harry styles met gala , met gala red carpet , met gala fashion , lady gaga met gala , nicki minaj met gala , met gala heavenly bodies , met gala harry styles , harry styles met gala 2019 , gala 2019 , how not to dress for the met gala , gamefacehd
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