'Take a look back at the last century of the most popular and sometimes controversial drag makeup. From the popular \"Pansy craze\" of 1920s New York and the DIY makeup of WWII drag performances in the 1940s, to the bright pink lipstick of Crystal LaBeija in the 1960s and global fame RuPaul by the 1990s, heres how drag makeup has transformed over the last century. Still haven’t subscribed to Allure on YouTube? ►► http://bit.ly/AllureYouTubeSub ABOUT ALLURE The best daily makeup tips, skin-care advice, hair tutorials, product reviews, and videos from beauty experts. 100 Years of Drag Makeup | Allure'
Tags: 100 years of beauty , allure , 100 years allure , 100 years of drag , drag fashion history , drag queen history , one hundred years of makeup , drag makeup history , drag makeup evolution , drag history , history drag , drag in the military , 1940s drag queen , 1950s drag queen , 1960s drag , rupaul drag makeup , rupaul mac line , 1990s drag , 1970s drag , first drag performer , first drag actor , highest paid drag performer , crystal labeija makeup , soldier drag , judy garland drag queens
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