'#39 The making of Victorian Watermelon Image Candy at Lofty Pursuits'

'#39 The making of Victorian Watermelon Image Candy at Lofty Pursuits'
05:35 Jan 21, 2023
'http://www.pd.net see our candy store  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBSn57isfTc  see us make more candy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIQE7yE8Uiw  Using Victorian candy making techniques and equipment, we make hard candies in Tallahassee, Florida preserving a centuries old tradition. You can get this candy at  http://www.pd.net This time we make Watermelon flavored candies with an image in each piece.' 

Tags: watermelon , Food , dessert , sugar , candy , hard candy , sweets , tallahassee , food tv , how its made , fl , how it's made , lollies , lofty pursuits , public displays of confection , cut rock , blackpool rock , stick of rock , 32312

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