'Hey guy\'s. today we are going to be taking a look at one of the Final Fantasy XIV weekly quest, The Fashion Report. Every week the Masked Rose who can be found in the Golden Saucer will ask you to participate in a fashion show, the theme will change weekly and can yield a lot of MGP. This week the challenge is \"A Brave New World\". Here is my gear layout to get over 90 points. Helm - Flat Cap (Dalamud Red Dye) Chest - Survival Shirt (Deepwood Green Dye) Legs - New World Hose (Deepwood Green Dye) Earrings - Behemoth Earring (Fate \"We Fought a Dzu\") Necklace Ribbon of Healing (Thronmarch ex) Hands - Deepwood Green Dye Feet - Dalamud Red Dye Hope you guys found this video helpful. Thank you so much for watching, and as all ways..... Goodbye from Zalera! https://www.twitch.tv/imthedouggernautb Facebook: www.facebook.com/DouggernautB Twitter: www.twitter.com/The_Douggernaut'
Tags: fashion , guide , final , gear , gaming , game , twitch , walkthrough , fantasy , week 2 , Square , lets play , mmorpg , mmo , FFXIV , FF14 , Final Fantasy XIV , fashion report , 4.0 , final Fantasy , enix , ffxiv fashion report , XIV , 4.2 , Stormblood , ff14 fashion report , ffxiv glamour , The Douggernaut , Douggernaut , the fashion report , the fashion report ffxiv , golden saucer , FFXIV The Fashion Report , FFXIV The Fashion Report (A Brave New World) , Brave New World , FFXIV Brave New World , Brave New World FFXIV
See also: