'hi my loves!! today i bring to you another Fashion nova Haul! thankyou to fashion nova for sending me these items! as always i am honest! i hope this review is helpful for some of you that have been curious about their clothes and sizing! give this a thumbs up if you like these videos! xo FASHION NOVA https://www.fashionnova.com/ Coupon code - “XOVALP” OTHER FASHION NOVA HAULS IVE DONE https://youtu.be/W8Mos7fNvcM https://youtu.be/XzhJQL0XZJU https://youtu.be/Fs1woMOFZx8 ITEMS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO Pull up on you jeans ( the first ones i talked about) sold out :( Glistening jeans ( The best jeans ever) size 1 https://www.fashionnova.com/products/glistening-jeans-olive Canopy Jeans Burgundy size 1 https://www.fashionnova.com/products/canopy-jeans-burgundy Olive Cropped Top https://www.fashionnova.com/products/talk-that-talk-off-shoulder-top-olive Black and White Stripped Crop Top https://www.fashionnova.com/products/read-between-the-lines-sweater-black-white Camouflage Dress https://www.fashionnova.com/products/young-cadet-camouflage-tunic-camo Tennis Courts set https://www.fashionnova.com/products/tennis-courts-ii-set-mauve-white ------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSIC nocopyright sounds ✦-- LETS CONNECT !--✦ ♡INSTAGRAM - @valeriepac ♡HAIR INSTAGRAM- @hairbyvaleriepac ♡TWITTER - @valerie_pac ♡SNAPCHAT -@vpac12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ✦ B U S I N E S S ✦ for business inquires please contact me at pacvalerie@yahoo.com'
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