'Harajuku Fashion Walk Chicago first started on October 1st, 2014 and has continued bi-monthly in the city of Chicago. Walk with us on our 5th Fashion Walk (held June 20th, 2015) as we show off our fashions down Chicago\'s famous Magnificent Mile! Like us on facebook at https://goo.gl/e7mMGo Follow us on Twitter at @HarajukuFW_Chi'
Tags: fashion , beauty , summer , style , tokyo , japan , park , street fashion , harajuku , chicago , Illinois , osaka , wisconsin , lolita , decora , kawaii , madison , milwaukee , harajuku fashion walk , gyaru , Japanese fashion , jfashion , lolita fashion , Chicago (City/Town/Village) , cult party kei , j-fashion , gaijin gyaru , Harajuku Fashion Walk Chicago , Magnificent Mile (Location) , Michigan Avenue (Location) , dansou
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