'Create Two Fashion Items From One Dress | Jakarta Fashion Hacks Ep. 2 with Kyra Nayda'

03:33 Mar 12, 2023
'Di Jakarta Fashion Hacks episode kedua ini, @kayranayda akan melalui tantangan selanjutnya dari kita yaitu menciptakan dua item fashion dari satu dress.  Kyra Nayda, memulai karir di dunia YouTube sejak 2012. Konten dalam channel Kyra beragam mulai dari, tips dan trik gaya hidup sehat, diet dan vlog. Kyra juga banyak membahas hal seputar fashion. seperti styling, thrifting, dan fashion DIY.  ___  In this second episode of Jakarta Fashion Hacks, @kayranayda will be going through our next challenge, which is creating two fashion items from one dress.  Starting her career on YouTube in 2012, Kyra Nayda makes content on healthy lifestyle, diet, and of course fashion like styling, thrifting, and DIY.' 
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