Dec 18, 2021
'Have you joined our Facebook page for women over 50? https://www.facebook.com/groups/aliferedesigned The scale of the negative impact the fashion industry, and our consumption, has on the planet, is no longer a dirty secret. This is not just about the environmental cost, but the human cost as well, from farming through to manufacturing. The irreparable damage to our fragile eco systems. Endangering the lives and health of some of the poorest people in the world. All in the name of fashion. As a personal stylist Carol love clothes and accessories. Clothes can make you feel and how empowering it is to express yourself through your wardrobe. But this does not need to be at the cost of our precious planet or the people who live here. Carol\'s passion is to motivate you to make responsible wardrobe choices while enjoying your sense of style. You can find Carol here: https://carolahanson.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/awesomewomenwithstyle'See also: