'Satisfactory - Mega Bus style factory with over 1000 hours game time'

'Satisfactory - Mega Bus style factory with over 1000 hours game time'
07:31 Jun 11
'I wanted to create a little video to demo my mega bus style factory I have been working on since the game released. Yes, I have repeatedly fixed everything broken in each update but it was not too difficult thanks to this design style. I have put over 1000 hours into this map, with the main goal in mind of expandability, scalability, modularity, reliability, and durability. This all takes precedence over \"looking pretty\". I have spent pretty much zero time making anything look pretty. It looks the way it looks because it is a compact design that is very expandable and functional.  So about the design. It is a bus style design with the idea of having every item that can be automated (with some exceptions) to be available to every constructor, assembler, manufacturer, refinery, blender, etc. With minimal transportation to and from storage. Storage here is even minimal and is really more of an oversized buffer. In an effort to reduce the ridiculous amount of items on conveyor belts, drones are used in many cases to transport items to/from storage. As you can see from the video, the main bus is in a planar fashion along the floor which allows scaling as new items are added to the game. Vertical conveyors are used to pull items off the bus to allow scalability of new types of factories to be added to the game (like when particle accelerator and mixer were added). When a specific item is in high demand, more of the same type of producing factory can be added easily as the main framework was already laid out. This allows me to easily balance supply and demand for most items in the game. Fluids in general work the same way, but on the opposite side of the bus. So between pipes and conveyors is a middle area where drones are. Then there is a perpendicular divide between factory and storage. So everything can be scaled out in all directions, no matter what is added to the game. Everything in the factory that could be, was setup in a \"pull\" based fashion. As resources are needed, they are pulled, and in a chain reaction way, more items are created to restock.  When an item is in short supply, it is easy to add more constructors or whatever out to as many as you need. Most items have one belt in and one belt out, but because each lane for an item can be stacked, it is also easy to add another in/out belt, doubling the flow rate. You can then merge and split the dual lanes to help with balance if needed. Or if demand is really high, like screws for example, you can have 4 in/out belts, and for the manufacturers that consume a lot of screws you can pull all 4 lanes up to them.  Some stats, it is producing 4 Thermal Propulsion Rockets per minute, 4 Magnetic Field Generators per minute, and about 4 Assembly Director Systems per minute. This is continuous, not from any buffered supplies. I have not fine tuned the higher end items in quite a while and I estimate that the factory could actually do closer to double all of that under full load, but I would probably start running out of screws and one or two other things. Running all that, it only draws about 34GW of power, half that coming from those darn drone ports! I mean really, 100w per port? What is it doing that draws so much power, its just sitting there!  The factory is 100% self sustaining and automated, other than of course plutonium waste buildup. All overflows, fluids and otherwise are handled dynamically and are self balancing. Both Uranium fuel and Plutonium fuel is fed into the reactors, waste is collected and processed, with Plutonium fuel getting priority. So it is a self balancing system. Heavy Oil residue is also has overflow collection that either burns it off as fuel first or is processed into petrol coke and sinked.  A big reason for me building in this style is my background in software development, and I use this approach to large projects, and I wanted to see if I could apply it to this awesome game. My skills in video editing are also limited as you can tell but that is not the point of this video! I used the FicsIt-Cam mod for this and used its \"Render\" mode which is sort of like stop-motion animation and while I like it I think it needs work on syncing game elements in the simulation with time traversal. Trains seemed to stay in sync pretty well but drones were all over the place when rendering shots with the whole factory. Might also be because my PC is not the latest and greatest. But otherwise it was really easy to use despite having a lot of options for tinkering.  Hope you enjoy the video and big thanks to Coffee Stain Studios for making such a great game!  Software used: Satisfactory Satisfactory Mod Manager Satisfactory mod: FicsIt-Cam (For recording) Satisfactory mod: Pak Utility Mod (For flying around without restrictions) Adobe Premiere Pro (For stitching together the image sequences) Adobe After Effects (For assembling the final video)  Get the save game file here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/uicuyaxxgchx0r8/Xeno_190522-161029.sav?dl=0' 

Tags: Main , bus , satisfactory , Xenophage , MegaBus , Main Bus , Mega Bus , Coffee Stain Studios

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