'Fashion Luxury Spring Water: Taste The Luxury http://www.fashiontv.com/product/fashionwater http://www.FashionTV.com/videos PARIS - Last season\'s designers are out at Vionnet after just one season and Creative Director Goga Ashkenazi, who is also Vionnet\'s new owner, has taken over at the label, that once counted Madonna as a huge fan. Do you think she lived up to the hype? It\'s hard to say--after all, everyone in fashion knows the name of Vionnet\'s founder Madeleine Vionnet and after 100 years, while her status has lived on, the reputation of the label itself, has not. Ashkenazi seems to be making a good effort--capturing the essence of the label with the freedom that comes with lack of corsetry and the label was all asymmetrical cuts, black and white, monochromatic tones, draping, and little else. Appearances: Steffi Soede, Melissa Tammerijn, Isabella Melo, Goga Ashkenazi Fashion - Spring Water, for Babies to Billionaires. Have you tried it? http://www.fashiontv.com/product/fashionwater CHANNEL http://youtube.com/FashionTV FACEBOOK http://facebook.com/FTV TWITTER http://twitter.com/FashionTV FashionTV\'s YouTube network features coverage of fashion shows, fashion week, runway highlights, front row celebs, backstage, hair and makeup, models, designers, photo shoots, red carpets at the biggest events in Hollywood, and much more. The total source for worldwide fashion coverage, FashionTV has new uploads EVERY DAY - See it on YouTube first. http://FashionTV.com FashionTV \"Fashion TV\" Vionnet Spring Summer 2013 FULL SHOW \"Paris Fashion Week\" Paris Fashion Week \"Steffi Soede\" \"Melissa Tammerijn\" \"Isabella Melo\" \"Goga Ashkenazi\" \"Fashion Videos\" \"Fashion Event\" \"FTV Event\" Fashion TV FashionTV.com FTV.com'
Tags: fashion , summer , full , week , Show , paris , spring , Paris Fashion Week , fashion videos , TV , fashion tv , FTV , fashiontv , Fashion Event , 2013 , FTV Event , FashionTV.com , FTV.com , Melissa Tammerijn , Isabella Melo , Vionnet , Goga Ashkenazi , Steffi Soede
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