'Help us stop predators: AIM - https://aimfree.org/one-life-2/ The Balenciaga ad campaign controversy and scandal is getting worse. More disturbing images and secrets are being exposed. Kanye West spoke out against Balenciaga yesterday, as well as photographer Misan Harriman. A new video has surfaced, where a Balenciaga model is seen carrying a handbag filled with child toys covered in blood streaks. It\'s time for authorities to get involved. Consider helping with a DONATION to my ministry and work for Jesus https://www.stayhere.live/jacobcoyne —————————————— JACOB’s SOCIAL MEDIA + MORE https://linktr.ee/jacobcoyne ——————————————- BOOKING FOR PREACHING: https://www.stayhere.live/bookjacobcoyne ——————————————— 00:00 - Balenciaga Crossed The Line 1:00 - Misan Harriman on The Balenciaga Scandal 2:45 - Kanye West Speaks Out Against Balenciaga 3:55 - Blood Streaks Found In Balenciaga Bag At Paris Fashion Show'
Tags: fashion show , balenciaga , Christian , kanye west , Jesus , christ , Christianity , Balenciaga fashion show , Kanye balenciaga , Balenciaga history , kim kardashian balenciaga , balenciaga ad , balenciaga cancelled , balenciaga campaign , misan harriman , misan harriman photographer , jacob coyne , balenciaga scandal , balenciaga exposed , balenciaga lawsuit , kim kardashian balenciaga statement , balenciaga news , what did balenciaga do , what did balenciaga do wrong , why is balenciaga cancelled
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