Dec 1, 2023
'Tattoo Chokers for kids, girls, women Customer does a review on our 12pc stretchy choker set. BodyJ4You Customer Review: \"I have several tattoo chokers, But all in black. I just needed some in different colors, and I found these. They are so cute, unique and comfortable! They came super fast, and the packaging was decent. They did smell heavily of plastic, but that went away after a few hours. I love these, and I will be recommending these!\" Shop here: https://www.bodyj4you.com/collections/choker-necklaces/products/bodyj4you-choker-necklace-set-henna-tattoo-stretch-elastic-jewelry-women-girl-12-36pc-gift-pack SKU: NC4059 Website: https://www.bodyj4you.com/collections/choker-necklaces Lets be friends: Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bodyj4you Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bodyj4youofficial Twitter: https://twitter.com/BodyJ4You'
Tags: 90s , necklace , girls fashion , Choker , tattoo choker , bodyj4you
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