'Forever 21 Bankruptcy: Is fast fashion dying? (2020)'

09:29 Oct 6, 2021
'Forever 21 bankruptcy means fast fashion is dying?  Learn how the creators of Forever 21 quickly leveraged their early success opening new stores every six months. By 2013 there were more than 480 stores and revenue of $3.7 billion.  The creators where approving over 400 designs of clothing per day following the fast fashion business model. Fast-fashion is based on a quick-turnaround of designs that could be inexpensively mass-produced.  Forever 21\'s business model proved to be very popular with young customers who didn’t have a lot of money to spend but at the same time wanted the latest look.  As the company focused on getting bigger, its once unique styles became more of a \"cookie-cutter.\" As a result, Forever 21 started to lose touch with its core customers.  And it was then when it all started.  Learn about the 4 reasons behind Forever 21 Bankruptcy.   

Tags: sustainable fashion , explainer video , forever 21 , fast fashion vs sustainable fashion , forever 21 bankruptcy , forever 21 bankruptcy 2019 , fashion industry documentary , the rise and fall of forever 21 , what happened to forever 21 , forever 21 bankrupt , forever 21 going out of business , explainer of things , explainerofthings , why forever 21 is closing

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