'Do We Care Enough About Fast Fashion in Indonesia'

'Do We Care Enough About Fast Fashion in Indonesia'
03:11 Oct 14, 2021
'[Enya Astari Setiawan_ 19018052]   All over the world, fast fashion has been meeting rejection since a few years back due to its questionable ethics and practice. But how about in Indonesia? What are people’s take on fast fashion? Do we care enough?    Note: This video is an adaptation of an article. If you wish to read the full version, kindly visit https://www.whiteboardjournal.com/column/our-take-on-fast-fashion-do-we-care-enough/ (ENGLISH) or https://swa.co.id/swa/my-article/persepsi-konsumen-indonesia-terhadap-fast-fashion-apakah-kita-sudah-cukup-peduli (BAHASA INDONESIA)' 
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