31:04 Jan 24, 2022
'#NovaBabe / Wearing Fashion Nova Outfits for a Week / Fashion Nova Review / Fashion Nova Haul /Expectation VS Reality Shopping Haul / I Spent $500 on Fashion Nova / Fashion Nova Haul 2019 / All items & timestamps listed below!!!   I\'m so excited about this Fashion Nova Haul! I went a bit crazy and spent $500 on a weeks worth of clothing from the Kardashian\'s favourite brand. (Speaking of Kardashians, I recommend you watch this video by Daytime Tea Time on the Kim Kardashian Fashion Nova drama! https://youtu.be/kG4oShUIzro)   SUBSCRIBE TO SAM!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSamQSCuNdsRrfKzgIenOhQ  Fingers crossed this Fashion Nova video does as well as the Fashion Nova video by Safiya Nygaard! She\'s one of my all time favourite YouTubers, and I was inspired to make this video because of hers. You can watch hers here (in case you haven\'t seen it yet!) https://youtu.be/UQkBcHLZOqU  I know you guys love clothing hauls so please always feel free to leave your item suggestions below!   Keep an eye out for my huge Pretty Little Thing haul that\'s coming soon, and I also have a JJ\'s House Prom Dress haul coming too!  Items Mentioned: (None of these links are affiliate links)   6:21 Pastel Two Piece https://www.fashionnova.com/products/soft-to-the-touch-fuzzy-skirt-set-pink-multi  8:56 Hot Pink Set https://www.fashionnova.com/products/shayna-set-magenta  12:02 Cherry Two Piece https://www.fashionnova.com/products/cherry-lips-skirt-set-white  Sams Cherry Top https://www.fashionnova.com/products/cherry-vibe-short-sleeve-woven-shirt-white-red  Sams Trench Coat https://www.fashionnova.com/products/chadwick-carcoat-camel  17:40 Polaroid Top https://www.fashionnova.com/products/polaroid-ls-top-white  Sams Jeans https://www.fashionnova.com/products/ollie-moto-jeans-light-blue-wash  19:01 Super Excited Lace Pant Set  https://www.fashionnova.com/products/super-excited-lace-pant-set-black  20:49 Purple Fuzzy Dress https://www.fashionnova.com/products/youre-going-to-miss-this-fuzzy-dress-lavender  21:18 Girl Code Pink Turtleneck and Skirt https://www.fashionnova.com/products/girl-code-ribbed-skirt-set-pink  25:50 White Wool Set https://www.fashionnova.com/products/wool-you-take-me-there-ivory  Purple Pants https://www.fashionnova.com/products/boogie-nights-pants-purple  27:25 Ring My Bell Bottom Jeans https://www.fashionnova.com/products/ring-my-bell-bottom-jeans-medium  Duchess Vibes White Top https://www.fashionnova.com/products/duches-vibes-sweater-ivory   FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA!!!   My Instagram:   http://www.instagram.com/prettypastelplease My Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/prettypastelpls Archie\'s Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/archieeclectus  SHOP OUR MERCH!!!!   The Bird Stays Pin: https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/650831171/pretty-pastel-please-pins?ref=shop_home_active_6&pro=1  Alex & Archie Pin: https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/650831171/pretty-pastel-please-pins?ref=shop_home_active_6&pro=1' 

Tags: pretty pastel please , Mia maples , haul , kylie jenner , fashion nova , clothing haul , fashion nova haul , Cardi B , romwe , wish , patricia bright , Wish Haul , fashion nova outfits , safiya nygaard , safiya , roxxsaurus , safiya fashion , wish.com , nova babe , safiya wish , kylie jenner fashion nova , cardi b fashion nova , wearing fashion nova outfits for a week , online clothing haul , safiya fashion nova , safiya romwe , safiya clothes , wish clothing , safiya sweater , safiya 1997

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