'Fabulous – Angela’s Fashion Fever Level 2 Become Truly? – Set up the displays for the exciting new show, “Become Truly”. For more tips and tricks, visit our complete Fabulous – Angela’s Fashion Fever Walkthrough: http://www.gamehouse.com/blog/2016/04/fabulous-angelas-fashion-fever-walkthrough/ Available on iOS, Google Play, Kindle, PC and Mac ▶︎ Play now: http://m.onelink.me/95b790f4 ✱ Fabulous Angela ✱ ▶︎ Follow Angela on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AngelasGame/ ▶︎ Follow Angela on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fabulous_angela/ ▶︎ Check out Angela her website: http://www.fabulousangela.com ✱ Delicious Emily ✱ ▶︎ Follow Emily on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DeliciousGames/ ▶︎ Follow Emily on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/delicious_emily/ ▶︎ Check out Emily her website: http://www.deliciousemily.com ✱ GameHouse ✱ ▶︎ Check out the GameHouse website for more awesome games: http://gamehouse.com ▶︎ Follow GameHouse on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GameHouse/'
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