Dec 21, 2021
'Model Renee Peters shares her fashion love story for Fashion Revolution Week: When you fall in love with a piece of clothing, it\'s effortless and you want to be in it all the time. I love these jeans. They feel like they were made for me and together we have shared some of my best memories. They travel with me, go on castings with me, and make me feel wonderful dressed up or down. I love them and care for them like any relationship worth lasting. Rather than throwing them away as they wear, they are mended and become better with age. The fashion industry produces 80 billion items of clothing a year. The problems facing our planet won\'t be fixed by simply recycling \"Fast Fashion\", but by buying less, choosing well, and loving more. Loved clothes last. What\'s your love story? __ Rag and Bone denim Zady Wool Coat Reve En Vert white tee __ What’s your fashion love story? Rather than buying new, fall back in love with the clothes you already own. Share your story, or write a love letter about an item of clothing that means a lot to you. http://fashionrevolution.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/FashRev_LoveStory_2016.pdf __ www.fashionrevolution.org http://www.model4greenliving.com/'
Tags: haulternative , fashrev , fashionrevolution
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