'In todays video we are judging some of our fave celebrities and what they wore to Coachella. Do we love or hate it? Hope you enjoyed and thanks for watching! ---------------------------------------------------- - L A S T V I D E O - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9kRP1axAxY&t=156s ---------------------------------------------------- - S O C I A L - INSTAGRAM▹ https://www.instagram.com/yiota/?hl=en ▹ https://www.instagram.com/thessy.k/?h... FACEBOOK ▹ https://www.facebook.com/SaboSkirt/ FILMED AND EDITED BY: Luka Muller ---------------------------------------------------- - M U S I C - Epidemic Sound Player or Soundcloud ---------------------------------------------------- - F A Q - CAMERA USED - Canon M6 EDITING PROGRAM - Final Cut Pro FILTER - Lightroom Custom Lut Thank you so much for your support!'
Tags: fashion week , kylie jenner , james charles , fashion nova , fashion haul , lookbook , princess polly , beginning boutique , endometriosis , shani grimmond , michael finch , Showpo , sammy robinson , roasting youtubers coachella , sabo skirt , thessy kouzoukas , yiota kouzoukas , reacting to coachella outfits , judging coachella fashion , roasting coachella fashion , roasting celebrities
See also: