'ShowBiz Minute: Marchesa, Lorde, \'Black Panther\''

'ShowBiz Minute: Marchesa, Lorde, \'Black Panther\''
01:09 Sep 28, 2021
'Marchesa cancels New York Fashion Week show; Israeli rights group is suing two New Zealanders for allegedly convincing Lorde to cancel Tel Aviv concert; \"Black Panther\" presales outpacing previous superhero movies. (Feb. 1)  Subscribe for more Arts and Entertainment News: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress  Get fast, accurate coverage of every arts and entertainment story making headlines worldwide, from festivals and premieres to births, deaths, scandals and arrests, plus celebrity reactions to news events.  The Associated Press is the essential global news network, delivering fast, unbiased news from every corner of the world to all media platforms and formats. AP’s commitment to independent, comprehensive journalism has deep roots. Founded in 1846, AP has covered all the major news events of the past 165 years, providing high-quality, informed reporting of everything from wars and elections to championship games and royal weddings. AP is the largest and most trusted source of independent news and information. Today, AP employs the latest technology to collect and distribute content - we have daily uploads covering the latest and breaking news in the world of politics, sport and entertainment. Join us in a conversation about world events, the newsgathering process or whatever aspect of the news universe you find interesting or important. Subscribe: http://smarturl.it/AssociatedPress  http://www.ap.org/ https://plus.google.com/+AP/ https://www.facebook.com/APNews https://twitter.com/AP' 

Tags: fashion , fashion design , ENTERTAINMENT , Lifestyle , minute , Celebrity , Music , black , fashion shows , anna wintour , pop music , Arts and entertainment , média , harvey weinstein , middle east , GENERAL NEWS , beauty and fashion , Panther , showbiz , israel , Jerusalem , marchesa , law and order , Georgina Chapman , Online Media , lorde , keren craig , celebrity causes , celebrity legal affairs , lawsuits , legal proceedings

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